Who’s afraid of China? | Melbourne Asia Review

Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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While China’s trade war with the US and its treatment of domestic discontents make the news headlines, its economic and military resurgence has truly spooked the West. But do China’s ambitions to regain its pre-19th century glory constitute a threat? What’s driving that fear in the US and Australia? Seasoned China watchers Dr Sow Keat Tok and Dr Pradeep Taneja

(Twitter: @PradeepKTaneja) examine the nature of this unease with host Ali Moore.


An Asia Institute podcast.

Produced by Profactual – the Podcasting Specialists.

Music by audionautix.com.

Image: The Great Hall of the People, Beijing. Source: Wikimedia Commons