Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.
Edition 8, 2021
Transnational migration, diaspora and development in Asia
INTRODUCTION: Transnationalism, diaspora and the migration-development nexus in Asia and Australia
The impacts of transnational linkages and diaspora are huge and include trade and investment, livelihoods for poor people, and migrant workers’ rights.
- Professor Andrew Rosser and Associate Professor Yan Tan
Rethinking human trafficking in Southeast Asia to better reflect survivors’ agency
It is crucial to consider the diverse experiences and circumstances of trafficked people without labelling them as only victims.
- Dr Guangyu Qiao-Franco
The 2022 FIFA World Cup, the exploitation of migrant workers, and the role of transnational governing networks
Vibrant transnational networks are challenging human rights violations in Qatar.
- Dr Laura Foley and Professor Nicola Piper
How can remittances in rural areas have the biggest impact? A study from the Philippines
Remittances are particularly important in the case of the Philippines. How can they have the most positive outcomes?
- Dr Jeremaiah M. Opiniano
Chinese business migrants in Australia: What shapes their business activities and economic contribution?
Chinese business migrants in Australia are trying to develop their social and economic links with China.
- Chao Shi
WEBINAR: Asian states and their diasporas
China India and Indonesia are increasingly seeing the huge potential of their diasporas for economic development.
Edition 8, 2021
Transnational migration, diaspora and development in Asia
Failing to Engage: The Politics of Diaspora Policy in Australia
A diaspora policy could help Australian businesses compete in Asia and help Australia recover from the pandemic.
- Professor Andrew Rosser
China’s diaspora engagement policy and its powerful effect outside its borders
China’s policy not only shapes its internal development but also brings new dynamics to bear global on power relations.
- Associate Professor Yan Tan
International law and the making of migration and development in India
India’s labour migration agreements help normalise, and encourage, temporary migration.
- Dr Robi Rado
The new Chinese diaspora in a globalising Singapore
Singapore aims to capitalise on the transnational economic networks of its new Chinese diaspora
- Professor Hong Liu
INTERVIEW: Transnational connectivity is here to stay. How we understand and deal with it is crucial
Transnational mobility, diaspora and higher education in Asia and Australia.
- Emeritus Professor Fazal Rizvi
Vietnamese in Moscow: irregular migration and development in South-South corridors
For Vietnamese workers in Russia, identity and belonging are classed and raced experiences.
- Associate Professor Lan Anh Hoang
There needs to be greater equality within Indonesia’s diasporic communities if their strengths are to be properly realised
Indonesia has active diasporic communities with vast potential to enhance the nation’s economic prosperity.
- Annisa D. Amalia, Muhamad Arif, Arivia T.D Yuliestiana
Human Geopolitics: States, Emigrants, and the Rise of Diaspora Institutions by Alan Gamlen
Global migration has driven the recent rise of diaspora institutions which have unleashed a new wave of human geopolitics.
- Dr Tan Chee-Beng
Who will study Indonesia in the future?
Economic and cultural biases tend to lead to Australian governments and elite institutions (including universities) looking past Asia in favour of Europe and North America.
- Professor Edward Aspinall, Associate Professor Sharyn Davies and Professor Vedi Hadiz
Video – Indonesia Forum 30th Anniversary – The Future of the Study of Indonesia in Australia
A panel discussion exploring Australia’s capability within and outside academia to engage with and study Indonesia.
Featured articles
Vietnam and COVID-19: From Marx to Mark (Zuckerberg) and back again
Dr Adam Fforde and co-author
What social media platforms can and should do to build young Asian Australians’ resilience against online racism
Dr Wilfred Yang Wang, Dr Wonsun Shin & Dr Jay Song
Taliban law: Theory and practice
Associate Professor Matthew J. Nelson
South Korea and Australia: 60 years of diplomatic history, 110 years of human stories
Dr Jay Song, Dr Ryan Gustafsson, Dr Daejeong Choi and Dr Wonsun Shin
Examinations and Chinese educational politics: historical reflections on China’s recent ban on school tutoring
Dr Lewis Mayo and Dr Justin Tighe
COVID-19 has intensified existing intergenerational and gender tensions in China’s cities
Bin Wang & Ilan Wiesel
Who will study Indonesia in the future?
Professor Edward Aspinall, Associate Professor Sharyn Davies and Professor Vedi Hadiz