Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.
Edition 10, 2022
Islam and inter/intra-religious relations in Asia
INTRODUCTION: Islam and inter/intra-religious relations in Asia
Understanding the past, present, and future of religious relations in Asia hugely important.
- Professor Abdullah Saeed & Associate Professor Matthew Nelson
Islamic challenges to Pakistan’s transgender rights law
Pakistan broke ground in 2018 with its legislation of a transgender rights law. But how has the situation unfolded since then?
- Professor Jeffrey A. Redding
Islamophobia in Singapore and/ vs Western Islamophobia: the state, colonialism, and the Muslim experience
In Singapore there exists a different kind of Islamophobia to that in countries with a Christian cultural heritage.
- Associate Professor Paul Hedges
INTERVIEW: Why there are grounds for optimism in Indonesia, even in an age of global democratic regression
What’s the state of Indonesian democracy after two years of COVID-19? Will the pandemic’s pressures result in a resurgence of Islamist groups?
- Professor Robert Hefner
WEBINAR: Gender and Sexuality in Islamic Politics
This event examines current trends, and current debates, in the study of gender and minority affairs within Muslim contexts.
Sydney’s imams and engagement with the religious ‘other’: sermons after the ‘Lindt Café Siege’
Muslims have taken on an active role to convey that Islam is a religion of peace.
- Dr Husnia Underabi
The Muslim and religious ‘Other’: Reflections on early Islam and beyond from the perspective of contemporary scholarship
The relationship between the Religious Self and the Religious Other is an integral part of the dynamic understanding of every religious tradition, Islam included.
- Dr Adis Duderija
What is Islam? The highly contested debate about ‘Islam’ in Bangladeshi politics and culture
‘Islam’ in Bangladesh should be understood as a phenomenon with complex meanings.
- Dr Mubashar Hasan
‘Islam, authoritarianism, and underdevelopment: A global and historical comparison’ by Ahmet Kuru
What happened to the era when Muslims were at the forefront of advancing philosophical and scientific knowledge? Why is the Muslim world suffering at the hands of authoritarian regimes?
- Dr Husnia Underabi
Edition 10, June 2022
Islam and inter/intra-religious relations in Asia
The emerging trend of theological inclusivism in contemporary Muslim thought: some key examples
There is an emerging trend among some contemporary Muslim scholars, which rejects the dominant exclusivist positions on theological matters.
- Dr Ali Akbar & Professor Abdullah Saeed
When crackdowns and cooptation fail: What constrains religious opposition forces in Bangladesh?
It seems unlikely that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will cultivate a vibrant multi-party democracy in Bangladesh.
- Associate Professor Matthew Nelson & Dr Mubashar Hasan
Toxic gastronationalism in India
For the current Indian government, communal tensions about cows represent not so much a problem to be grappled with as a political opportunity.
- Dr Shakira Hussein
Malaysian ‘matriliny’: past, present and future
Will the thoroughly modern matriliny of Negeri Sembilan produce further new imaginings and new politics?
- Associate Professor Maila Stivens
Many Asian nations are experiencing a revival of religion in public and political life
Religion is returning to public and political life in many Asian countries contrary to predictions about the inevitable decline of religion due to modernisation.
- Professor Azyumardi Azra
Afghanistan’s laws and legal institutions under the Taliban
For the Taliban, the state's main purpose is not protecting individual rights, but making individuals honor their obligations.
- Assistant Professor Haroun Rahimi
Political Islam(s) in the Pakistani context: inclusionary and exclusionary
In studying the tensions of Imran Khan’s politics, we can learn much about the intellectual currents of political Islam in Pakistan.
- Hamza Surbuland
Peaceful interreligious relations in Islam derive from covenants and treaties
The Qur’an and covenants of Prophet Muhammad seek to regulate interreligious relations in peace and security.
- Associate Professor Halim Rane
Interfaith dialogue in Australia: A brief overview of the contributions of Muslim Australians
Through interfaith engagement, Muslim Australians are creating an Islamic ethos that is central to Australia’s multi-religious diversity.
- Trish Prentice
Exclusion, mistrust and coercion: Religious minorities and Islamic nationhood in Pakistan
Mapping theological tolerance of unbelief, heterodoxy and orthodoxy in Pakistan remains the subject of intense political contestation.
- Dr Imran Ahmed
How the law in the Maldives paved the way for a Sunni legal tradition
It could be argued that Sunni Islam has been predominantly practised in the Maldives since the earliest written Islamic history.
- Dr Shamsul Falaah
Featured articles
‘Slum Imaginaries and Spatial Justice in Philippine Cinema’ by Katrina Macapagal
Laurence Marvin S. Castillo
The next phase of China’s water infrastructure: a national water grid
Zhang Wenjing, Jiang Hong & Dr Sarah Rogers
China really is impacting Australian elections (and has been for some time)
Emerita Professor Carol Johnson