
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Edition 15, 2023 Hyper-securitisation of Islam and Muslims in Australia, Asia and beyond

Hyper-securitisation of Islam and Muslims in Australia, Asia and Beyond’

Echoes of future past: The continued hyper-securitisation of Islam and Muslims

What is the current place of Islam in the imaginary of Australia and other nations given that it continues to be securitised more than 20 years after 9/11?

  • Dr David Tittensor

Securitisation contributes to an anti-women backlash in Australian Muslim communities

Interviews with Australian Muslim women reveal a connection between securitisation and some Muslim men's involvement in anti-women movements.

How the hyper-securitisation of Muslims in Malaysia is dividing society

The division between Muslims and non-Muslims is widening and threatens Malaysia’s delicate form of multiculturalism.

Securitisation, nationalism and democracy: The banning of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia

How HTI was constructed as an existential threat and banned using a process beyond the normal systems of democracy.

Indonesian civil society’s involvement in counterterrorism: between hope and risk

The need to involve civil society in tackling terrorism issues is undisputable, but there are significant challenges.

Edition 15, 2023

Hyper-securitisation of Islam and Muslims in Australia, Asia and beyond

Social reengineering in the name of security in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

'Becoming family': the extreme securitisation of Uyghur identity in China.

Securitisation of Muslims in India is as old as modernisation and nation-statisation

To see securitisation as an outcome of 9/11 and the so-called war on terror is simplistic.

INTERVIEW: Terrorism, Muslimness and Islamophobia – Counterterrorism’s impact on Muslim communities

The moment I was accused of being a terrorist, my identity as a Muslim took precedence over everything else.

Indigenous and Muslim peoples in Australia: Enduring threats to the national identity and nation

Militant democracy geared toward the ‘colonised other’ will continue to limit opportunities to grow harmonious societies.

France’s anti-separatism law is increasing the securitisation of Muslims

France’s anti-separatism law seems to suggest that one cannot be French and Muslim at the same time.

Strategies of control and the silencing of Muslims in Spain

Securitisation and ‘pre-crime’ prevention negatively impact the daily lives of those who self-identify, or are identified by others, as Muslim.

The managed securitisation of Malay-Muslims in Singapore

The state has a vision of Singapore where each ‘race’ plays its part to maintain what it sees as the nation’s fragile status.

Book Review

Islamophobia and Securitisation: The Dutch Case by Liselotte Welten and Tahir Abbas

The book shows that the securitisation of Islam and Muslims in the Netherlands may actually be reducing security, not improving it.