How a Taliban-ruled Afghanistan affects security in the region | Melbourne Asia Review

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Since the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan in August 2021, the harboring of extremist or terrorist groups, continued high numbers of displaced Afghans, and ramped up production of opium for export are key concerns for neighboring nations. Iran, Pakistan, China, India and other countries each have their own interests to protect and opportunities to exploit just across the border. So how great a threat to regional security is Afghanistan under the Taliban? How are relations across borders being reset to accommodate or even capitalize on the power shift in Kabul? And how is the Afghan government navigating its own path in the region in an attempt to secure its own interests? South Asia political scientist Dr Zahid Ahmed joins host Ali Moore in examining how Afghanistan under Taliban rule affects the region.

An Asia Institute podcast. Produced and edited by Music by Transcript here.

Image: The Taliban celebrating, 2022. Credit: Callum Darragh.