
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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  • 塔马斯·韦尔斯博士(Dr Tamas Wells) ,


Rethinking civil society in Afghanistan

  • Dr Salim Lakha,

Western donors and others have not given enough attention to strengthening local civil society actors.

Rethinking World Bank Influence: Governance Reforms and the Ritual Aid Dance in Indonesia by D. Brent Edwards Jr

  • Professor Andrew Rosser,

An important contribution to our understanding of the Bank’s role in the politics of governance reform in the Global South, especially in education.

Chinese aid and new contests over the meaning of human rights in Asia

  • Dr Tamas Wells,

China’s notion of the ‘right to development’ will increasingly challenge other donors’ emphasis on individual civil and political rights.

Australia and Southeast Asia: Australia needs a new plan 

  • Honorary Professorial Fellow Richard Robison,

Reform of Australia’s relations with Southeast Asia requires fundamental change in the political interests driving the Southeast Asian agenda within Australia.