
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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WEBINAR: The impacts of non-traditional maritime security issues on supply chains in the Indo-Pacific

In an era of decarbonisation, shipping supply chains need to drive the energy transition. There are also increased geopolitical tensions other issues challenging resilience.

Fear, honour and interests: Cooperation, competition and contestation and Australia’s engagement in the Indo-Pacific

  • Professor John Blaxland,

The combination of great power contestation, coupled with governance and environmental challenges points to the need for visionary management by Australia.

Rethinking human trafficking in Southeast Asia to better reflect survivors’ agency

  • Dr Guangyu Qiao-Franco,

It is crucial to consider the diverse experiences and circumstances of trafficked people without labelling them as only victims.