
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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INTERVIEW: Despair among the indigenous peoples of Bangladesh’s Chittagong Hill Tracts

  • Rani Yan Yan,

Indigenous communities of the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh continue to suffer at the hands of the national government and military.

INTRODUCTION: Trajectories of Civil Society in Asia

  • Professor Akihiro Ogawa,

Democratic backsliding is a major concern worldwide and Asia is no exception.

Radical within limits: Women’s movements, civil society, and the political field in Bangladesh

  • Associate Professor Seuty Sabur,

Women’s groups are sometimes blamed for a lack of gender equality rather than those with power such as the state.

When crackdowns and cooptation fail: What constrains religious opposition forces in Bangladesh?

  • Associate Professor Matthew Nelson & Dr Mubashar Hasan,

It seems unlikely that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will cultivate a vibrant multi-party democracy in Bangladesh.

What is Islam? The highly contested debate about ‘Islam’ in Bangladeshi politics and culture

  • Dr Mubashar Hasan,

‘Islam’ in Bangladesh should be understood as a phenomenon with complex meanings.