
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Taiwan literature in Japanese: works of colonial, diasporic and contemporary writers

  • Dr Tets Kimura,

Chinese has been the most dominant language in Taiwan for most of the last 400 years, but the historical significance of Japanese is profound.

WEBINAR: How learning Asian languages changes your worldview

Panellists discuss gaining new levels of personal inter-connectedness and cultural understanding through language learning.

INTRODUCTION – Changing one’s world view: the potentially transformative power of Asian language(s) and culture(s)

  • Dr Jun Ohashi,

Learning an Asian language can serve as a bulwark against rising nationalism and xenophobia.

The importance of fitting society and culture into Australian university language courses

  • Dr Jonathan Benney,

Language learning should facilitate cultural understanding and this requires contentious aspects of culture to be examined.

From ‘human nature’ to ‘sex’: sexualising ‘xing’ and reimagining sex in Chinese 中文

  • Yahia Zhengtang Ma,

The Chinese character ‘xing’ (性 ) has had varied usage and multiple meanings across time.