
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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‘Expanding Ecological Approaches to Language, Culture, and Identity’ by Jaran Shin

  • Dr Eldin Milak,

An important examination of the daily struggles of the ‘other’ in Korea, through the insights of multicultural youth.

Reflections on sustaining Trade and Kinship Traditions between Makassans and Yolŋu

  • Dr Anthea Skinner, Prof Lisa Palmer, Prof Marcia Langton, Prof Aaron Corn, Dr Kristen Smith, Prof Brian Djangirrawuy Gumbula-Garawirrtja, Renelle Gandjitjiwuy Gondarra, Prof. Muhlis Hadrawi, James Pilbrow ,

The long history of trade and family relationships and ongoing collaborations in research, cultural exchanges and beyond.

Indigenous knowledge is key to better managing water in Indonesia

  • Dr Justin Wejak,

Rivers in parts of Indonesia are drying out and Indigenous communities are worried.

The importance of fitting society and culture into Australian university language courses

  • Dr Jonathan Benney,

Language learning should facilitate cultural understanding and this requires contentious aspects of culture to be examined.

What is Islam? The highly contested debate about ‘Islam’ in Bangladeshi politics and culture

  • Dr Mubashar Hasan,

‘Islam’ in Bangladesh should be understood as a phenomenon with complex meanings.