
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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  • 普拉萨克蒂·拉玛丹纳·法哈迪(Prasakti Ramadhana Fahadi)、阿玛琳达·萨维拉尼(Amalinda Savirani)和肯·塞蒂亚万(Ken Setiawan) ,


Scholars in Indonesia who speak about the government “will be either co-opted or persecuted.”

  • Cathy Harper,

Is critical academia in Indonesia being undermined?

Where are the Women? Gender Perspectives in Indonesia’s 2024 Presidential Race

  • Prasakti Ramadhana Fahadi, Amalinda Savirani & Ken Setiawan,

The absence of women from any of the presidential tickets in this year’s Indonesian elections underscores a deeper political and policy malaise in addressing gender inequality.

Trump or Biden: The implications for Asia

  • Professor Michael Wesley,

The US is more needed but less trusted in Asia in 2020 than it was in 2016.