
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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How the law in the Maldives paved the way for a Sunni legal tradition

  • Dr Shamsul Falaah,

It could be argued that Sunni Islam has been predominantly practised in the Maldives since the earliest written Islamic history.

How progressive, cosmopolitan and social justice-oriented Islam can help overcome sectarianism

  • Dr Adis Duderija,

There is a critical mass of well-informed Muslims for whom Sunni and Shi’i Islam are not fundamental to how they view themselves as Muslims.

Death penalty for apostasy: Selected Sunni and Shi’a scholars’ views in favour of abolition

  • Dr Ali Akbar & Professor Abdullah Saeed,

A change of religion is a personal matter and should not lead to any form of punishment, let alone the death penalty.