
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Reflections on Afghanistan’s economic development: Is China the answer?

  • Imran Zakeria,

If China invests in Afghanistan its economy would improve which is crucial to overall regional stability.

WEBINAR: How learning Asian languages changes your worldview

Panellists discuss gaining new levels of personal inter-connectedness and cultural understanding through language learning.

Towards a global approach to teaching Arabic in Australian universities

  • Tarek Makhlouf & Dr Abdul Samad Abdullah,

Arabic language teaching in Australia should focus more on the culture and global impact of Arabic than its utilitarian value.

Afghanistan’s laws and legal institutions under the Taliban

  • Assistant Professor Haroun Rahimi,

For the Taliban, the state’s main purpose is not protecting individual rights, but making individuals honor their obligations.

Out of balance: Central Asia enters the post-Western era

  • Professor Alexander Cooley,

Russian and Chinese-led regional security organisations are providing the bulk of governance and order in the absence of the US and its allies.