
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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  • 葉兆輝教授(Professor Paul Yip),


INTRODUCTION: The politics of social policy in Asia

  • Professor Andrew Rosser,

Asia’s social welfare systems remain underdeveloped and skewed in favour of particular groups, despite rising inequality, ageing populations, labour precarity and rural-urban migration.

East Asia’s low spending model on welfare is no longer fit for tackling growing inequality

  • Dr Gyu-Jin Hwang,

Despite their economic ‘miracles’ most East Asian nations have fairly low levels of spending on welfare.

INTERVIEW: Is China’s welfare system changing and does it have capacity to care for its rapidly ageing population?

  • Professor Joshua Ka-ho Mok,

China is home to the largest population of older people in the world. How will it look after them?

COVID-19 mental health challenges and responses in Hong Kong

  • Professor Paul Yip,

Mental health problems caused by COVID-19 public health measures have largely been overlooked by the Hong Kong Administration.