
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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The genocide of 1965 in Flores, Indonesia, and what’s needed for reconciliation

  • Dr Justin Wejak,

The Indonesian genocide of 1965 is yet to be fully resolved and will continue to haunt Indonesia if no attempts are made to reconcile with


  • 温忠孝博士 (Dr Dédé Oetomo) ,

当今的印度尼西亚似乎仍然难以接受非传统的性认同 …


  • 普拉萨克蒂·拉玛丹纳·法哈迪(Prasakti Ramadhana Fahadi)、阿玛琳达·萨维拉尼(Amalinda Savirani)和肯·塞蒂亚万(Ken Setiawan) ,


Parliamentary monitoring in Indonesia: Limited transparency and unmeaningful participation

  • Eryanto Nugroho, Rizky Argama, Fajri Nursyamsi & Choris Satun Nikmah,

It’s been a bleak five years for legislative processes and transparency in Indonesia and that’s unlikely to change.

Gender activism in Indonesia and the post-Reformasi era: Reflections from the Indonesia Forum Symposium

  • Dana Fahadi, Dr Monika Winarnita & Dr Wulan Dirgantoro,

Historical knowledge of gender-based discrimination coupled with digital skills to creatively subvert patriarchal norms is crucial.