
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Maritime boundary diplomacy in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea has been the key to economic prosperity

  • Dr. Tharishini Krishnan ,

Nations involved show strong commitment to peace and stability which otherwise could be compromised by possible disputes.

WEBINAR: Human rights and democratic regression in Asia

Three experts on human rights and civil society discuss the situation in two countries which have seen recent democratic regression, Thailand and Myanmar, as well as the use of forced disappearances.

The dark side of civil society? How Thailand’s civic networks foster autocracy

  • Dr Janjira Sombatpoonsiri,

Royalist civil society networks operate as repressive forces which reduce democratic space.

Look right: The conservative elites opposing Thailand’s protesters

  • Emeritus Professor Kevin Hewison,

Right-wing royalists and a bureaucratic and ideological system have for decades lauded the monarchy and rejected criticism as “un-Thai”.

Uncivil Society: How democracy is being undermined from within

  • Professor Vedi Hadiz,

Democracy advocates are confronting the reality that they face hindrances from civil society as well as the state.