
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Islamic challenges to Pakistan’s transgender rights law

  • Professor Jeffrey A. Redding,

Pakistan broke ground in 2018 with its legislation of a transgender rights law. But how has the situation unfolded since then?

The Muslim and religious ‘Other’: Reflections on early Islam and beyond from the perspective of contemporary scholarship

  • Dr Adis Duderija,

The relationship between the Religious Self and the Religious Other is an integral part of the dynamic understanding of every religious tradition, Islam included.

Sydney’s imams and engagement with the religious ‘other’: sermons after the ‘Lindt Café Siege’

  • Dr Husnia Underabi,

Muslims have taken on an active role to convey that Islam is a religion of peace.

Malaysian ‘matriliny’: past, present and future

  • Associate Professor Maila Stivens,

Will the thoroughly modern matriliny of Negeri Sembilan produce further new imaginings and new politics?

Interfaith dialogue in Australia: A brief overview of the contributions of Muslim Australians

  • Trish Prentice,

Through interfaith engagement, Muslim Australians are creating an Islamic ethos that is central to Australia’s multi-religious diversity.