
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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  • 作者:馬蘭安教授(Professorial Fellow, Anne McLaren),

中國是澳大利亞的主要貿易夥伴 …


  • 汪诗薇博士(Dr Sylvia Ang),宋智英副教授(Associate Professor Jay Song),潘秋萍博士(Dr Qiuping Pan),


Chinese students in Australia: motivations and mobility in the face of COVID-19

  • Dr Yu Hao, Professor Anthony Pym & Yizhou Wang,

Why have so many Chinese international students decided not to return to Australia as the world emerges from COVID-19?

Can Chinese cultural diplomacy be done without controversy? The case of China Cultural Centres

  • Minglei Wang,

Why have China Cultural Centres so far attracted little controversy, especially compared with Confucius Institutes?

INTRODUCTION – Changing one’s world view: the potentially transformative power of Asian language(s) and culture(s)

  • Dr Jun Ohashi,

Learning an Asian language can serve as a bulwark against rising nationalism and xenophobia.