
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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INTERVIEW: Transnational connectivity is here to stay. How we understand and deal with it is crucial

  • Emeritus Professor Fazal Rizvi,

Transnational mobility, diaspora and higher education in Asia and Australia.

There needs to be greater equality within Indonesia’s diasporic communities if their strengths are to be properly realised

  • Annisa D. Amalia, Muhamad Arif, Arivia T.D Yuliestiana,

Indonesia has active diasporic communities with vast potential to enhance the nation’s economic prosperity.

How can remittances in rural areas have the biggest impact? A study from the Philippines

  • Dr Jeremaiah M. Opiniano,

Remittances are particularly important in the case of the Philippines. How can they have the most positive outcomes?

The new Chinese diaspora in a globalising Singapore

  • Professor Hong Liu,

Singapore aims to capitalise on the transnational economic networks of its new Chinese diaspora

China’s diaspora engagement policy and its powerful effect outside its borders

  • Associate Professor Yan Tan,

China’s policy not only shapes its internal development but also brings new dynamics to bear global on power relations.