
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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  • 苏米·特凯恩教授(Professor Sumit Kane) 和迈克尔· 加尔南教授(Professor Michael Calnan) ,



  • 雷努·辛格(Renu Singh),


The role of smartphones in restricting and facilitating freedoms for young women in India

  • Renu Singh,

Communications technology is used to maintain gendered moral surveillance over women, but the technology also provides emancipatory potential.

Securitisation of Muslims in India is as old as modernisation and nation-statisation

  • Professor Irfan Ahmad,

To see securitisation as an outcome of 9/11 and the so-called war on terror is simplistic.

Health and democracy in India: Do voters care about health?

  • Oliver Heath, Jyoti Mishra, Louise Tillin & Sandhya Venkateswaran,

New research shows that health looms larger as a concern for Indian voters than previously assumed.