
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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  • 作者:馬蘭安教授(Professorial Fellow, Anne McLaren),

中國是澳大利亞的主要貿易夥伴 …

INTRODUCTION – Changing one’s world view: the potentially transformative power of Asian language(s) and culture(s)

  • Dr Jun Ohashi,

Learning an Asian language can serve as a bulwark against rising nationalism and xenophobia.

The Korean language is booming at Australian universities. What needs to be done to keep the momentum going?

  • Dr Nicola Fraschini,

Korean is increasingly popular at Australian universities, but more needs to be done to recruit and keep students.

Invigorating Indonesian studies in Australia through collaborative, online education practices

  • Dr Howard Manns, A/Prof Michael Ewing, A/Prof Sharyn Davies & Dr Jess Kruk,

Indonesian student numbers in Australia have been in freefall for decades. What can be done about it?

Fitting in at last? Learners of Japanese as community language in search of belonging and legitimacy

  • Dr Kaya Oriyama & Dr Naomi Kurata,

JCL learners need to be recognised not as problems but assets with the potential to become a bridge between Japan and Australia.