
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Parliamentary monitoring in a failing democracy: Cambodia & COMFREL

  • Jack McMahon and co-author*,

How do parliamentary monitoring organisations function when core principles of democracy are not being upheld?

Can parliamentary monitoring organisations help reverse democratic decline in Taiwan and Asia more broadly?

  • Professor Herlin Chien and James Kan,

Elections are no guarantee of democracy, but parliamentary monitoring organisations (PMOs) in Asia and elsewhere may be game-changers.

Lessons from the Latin American way of advancing parliamentary transparency

  • Juan Krahl,

Civil society groups from 15 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have formed an Index to monitor legislative transparency.

Parliamentary monitoring in Indonesia: Limited transparency and unmeaningful participation

  • Eryanto Nugroho, Rizky Argama, Fajri Nursyamsi & Choris Satun Nikmah,

It’s been a bleak five years for legislative processes and transparency in Indonesia and that’s unlikely to change.

Making Sri Lanka’s parliament answerable, transparent and relevant: The role of

  • Tasha Goonewardene, Udan Fernando & Nevanka de Silva Jayatilleke,

Amid sometimes chaotic governance, civil society provides a level of transparency about the work of parliament.