
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Failing to Engage: The Politics of Diaspora Policy in Australia

  • Professor Andrew Rosser,

A diaspora policy could help Australian businesses compete in Asia and help Australia recover from the pandemic.

INTRODUCTION: Transnationalism, diaspora and the migration-development nexus in Asia and Australia

  • Professor Andrew Rosser and Associate Professor Yan Tan,

The impacts of transnational linkages and diaspora are huge and include trade and investment, livelihoods for poor people, and migrant workers’ rights.

WEBINAR: Taliban Afghanistan, two months in

Two months into the Taliban take-over of Afghanistan – where are we now?

Examinations and Chinese educational politics: historical reflections on China’s recent ban on school tutoring

  • Dr Lewis Mayo and Dr Justin Tighe,

China’s ban on school tutoring may be motivated by a concept of education that emphasises the ideological transformation of society.

COVID-19 and China’s attempts to build a health silk road to Myanmar

  • Dr Nyi Nyi Kyaw,

China’s ‘vaccine diplomacy’ in Myanmar relates to China’s longer-term geo-economic and geopolitical interests.