
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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  • 莫妮卡·温那尼塔教授(Dr Monika Winarnita)和卡梅拉·里昂 (Dr Carmela Leone) ,

新冠疫情期间,*玲(Ling)(化名)是一名在老年护理机构工作的华裔护理助理 …


  • 作者:潘素坤博士(Sujith Kumar Prankumar)、王梓浩博士 (Horas TH Wong)与毛立敏副教授(Limin Mao) ,



  • 哈尼扎·伊德里斯博士(Dr Hanizah Idris),


Can parliamentary monitoring organisations help reverse democratic decline in Taiwan and Asia more broadly?

  • Professor Herlin Chien and James Kan,

Elections are no guarantee of democracy, but parliamentary monitoring organisations (PMOs) in Asia and elsewhere may be game-changers.

How civil society in the Philippines helped pass the ‘Sin Tax’ law and the lessons learned

  • Filomeno S. Sta. Ana III & Prof. Jorge V. Tigno,

Civil society organisations built strong networks of trust with legislators against the interests of commercial lobbyists.