
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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India and Australia’s federal systems have responded fairly well to COVID-19. But the US system hasn’t

  • Dr Niranjan Sahoo,

COVID-19 is laying bare the strengths and weaknesses of federal systems, and the US system is showing itself to be weak.

Global Arabic Studies: Lessons from a Transnational Asian Heritage. (中文)

  • Tarek Makhlouf ,

Arabic studies should go beyond the Arabic world to include Arabic language, culture, script and literature through Asia.

India is shaping a ‘new multilateralism’ in a post-COVID world

  • Tanya Spisbah,

Multilateralism is in ‘recession’, but India may be the nation to revive it.

The shrinking democratic space in India: uncivil society and an illiberal state

  • Associate Professor Sarbeswar Sahoo,

There’s been a severe crackdown on the civic space in India under PM Nahrendra Modi, which has accelerated previous trends.

Uncivil Society: How democracy is being undermined from within

  • Professor Vedi Hadiz,

Democracy advocates are confronting the reality that they face hindrances from civil society as well as the state.