
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Indigenous and Muslim peoples in Australia: Enduring threats to the national identity and nation

  • Dr Troy Meston, A/Prof Debbie Bargallie and Prof Halim Rane,

Militant democracy geared toward the ‘colonised other’ will continue to limit opportunities to grow harmonious societies.

Indonesian civil society’s involvement in counterterrorism: between hope and risk

  • Imam Malik Riduan ,

The need to involve civil society in tackling terrorism issues is undisputable, but there are significant challenges.

Echoes of future past: The continued hyper-securitisation of Islam and Muslims

  • Dr David Tittensor,

What is the current place of Islam in the imaginary of Australia and other nations given that it continues to be securitised more than 20 years after 9/11?

Islamophobia and Securitisation: The Dutch Case by Liselotte Welten and Tahir Abbas

  • Professor Mark Sedgwick,

The book shows that the securitisation of Islam and Muslims in the Netherlands may actually be reducing security, not improving it.

Social reengineering in the name of security in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

  • Dr Michael Clarke,

‘Becoming family’: the extreme securitisation of Uyghur identity in China.