
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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  • 汪诗薇博士(Dr Sylvia Ang),宋智英副教授(Associate Professor Jay Song),潘秋萍博士(Dr Qiuping Pan),


WEBINAR: (Post-)pandemic challenges in Asia

Discussion from an expert panel on key aspects of the pandemic’s effect on politics, society and the environment in Asia and Australia.

Dire straits: Chinese students in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Dr Jun Ohashi,

Universities need to take immediate steps to disseminate ideas and values that transcend national borders and national interests.

Pandemic racism and sexism in Australia: responses from Asian migrant women

  • Dr Sylvia Ang, Associate Professor Jay Song & Dr Qiuping Pan,

Studies that address the intersection of pandemic-related racism and sexism are lacking and the experiences of Asian women have been neglected.

INTRODUCTION: (Post-) COVID social and environmental challenges in Asia

  • Professor Mark Wang & Associate Professor Jay Song,

The post COVID challenges for Asian governments and societies are enormous and some of the most significant are related to China.