
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Issues for working women as debated in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly

  • Dr Hiroko Levy and Dr Emma Dalton,

What do female politicians in Japan raise as crucial issues for gender equality?

Malaysian ‘matriliny’: past, present and future

  • Associate Professor Maila Stivens,

Will the thoroughly modern matriliny of Negeri Sembilan produce further new imaginings and new politics?

INTERVIEW: Women play a key role in preventing geopolitical conflict and the success of peacekeeping initiatives

  • Natasha Stott Despoja AO,

The lives of civilians, particularly women, are often overlooked in relation to the impact of geopolitical competition.

WEBINAR: The case for feminist foreign policy in Asia

Feminist foreign policy is an approach which places gender equality as the central goal of foreign policy, in recognition that gender equality is a predictor of peaceful and flourishing societies.

Women: missing (but) in action in Japanese politics

  • Professor Donna Weeks,

Is Japan’s first female prime minister already in parliament or is she yet to be elected? The less optimistic among us wonder if she is yet to be born?