
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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  • Ruby Ramsden,


Courting the Youth Vote in Indonesia’s Elections

  • Justin Wejak,

Indonesia’s presidential candidates are pitching for the huge youth vote, but are they really listening?

The Mixed Economic Record of Joko Widodo

  • Howard Dick,

Jokowi leaves a mixed economic legacy. Fixing a weak tax system and a lethargic energy transition will be two of the big challenges for Indonesia’s next president.


  • 黄圭振博士 (Dr Gyu-Jin Hwang),


Broadening Australia’s HIV success: Ensuring equitable HIV outcomes for Asian-born gay men in Sydney

  • Dr Sujith Kumar Prankumar, Dr Horas TH Wong & A/Professor Limin Mao,

Sydney is a global leader in tackling HIV, but it needs to focus more on areas where Asian-born men live.