
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Look right: The conservative elites opposing Thailand’s protesters

  • Emeritus Professor Kevin Hewison,

Right-wing royalists and a bureaucratic and ideological system have for decades lauded the monarchy and rejected criticism as “un-Thai”.

Is ASEAN doing enough to address business and human rights?

  • Dr Randy Wirasta Nandyatama & Dr Muhammad Rum,

ASEAN has taken steps to improve human rights protections, but its silo mentality is hampering action on business and human rights.

Palm oil, migrant workers, indigenous peoples and corporations: Responses of Malaysia’s Human Rights Commission

  • Dr Ken M.P. Setiawan,

Malaysia’s Suhakam plays a crucial role in promoting the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

The shrinking democratic space in India: uncivil society and an illiberal state

  • Associate Professor Sarbeswar Sahoo,

There’s been a severe crackdown on the civic space in India under PM Nahrendra Modi, which has accelerated previous trends.

Solidarity among Jakarta’s gig economy drivers

  • Diatyka Widya Permata Yasih,

The gig economy is the new frontier of precarious work, where workplace-based collective organisation is problematic.