
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Asian-Australians: quiet migration or immigration indigestion?

WEBINAR: Contrasting the case studies of South Korean and Chinese migration to Australia.

Korean Transnational Adoption to Australia: ‘quiet’ migrants, diaspora, and ‘hometactics’

  • Dr Ryan Gustafsson ,

What does it mean or feel like to be ‘in between’? Where are you, when you are in between worlds? And how do you live this ‘in betweenness’?

Australia’s South Korea problem 中文

  • Associate Professor Jeffrey Robertson and Addie Gerszberg,

South Korea is Australia’s fourth largest trading partner, but the foreign policy community continues to focus on North Korea.

Quarantine, masks and dis/ease: social discourses of COVID-19 in Japan and Korea

WEBINAR: How COVID-19 is changing language and social norms in Japan and South Korea.

How South Korea has kept the impact of COVID-19 on jobs in check

  • Associate Professor Kyoung-Hee Yu ,

Women have been hardest hit by COVID-related job losses in South Korea, but the jobs market generally has been resilient.