
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Understanding why, when and how Australia promotes human rights in Asia

  • Melissa Conley Tyler,

In pursuing its foreign policy, Australia has to balance various interests in human rights, security and prosperity.

The many challenges of fighting against enforced disappearances in Asia

  • Professor Tae-Ung Baik,

Many Asian countries still do not understand the nature of enforced disappearance, and often believe the issue is not relevant in their countries.

Transnational civil society in Asia

WEBINAR: Transnational interactions among civil society actors in Asia are helping to strengthen common democratic values.

The place, voice and portrayal of Asians in Australia

  • Dr Jay Song & Associate Professor Claire Maree,

COVID-19 and growing tension between Australia and China makes it increasingly important to achieve diversity and inclusion in all aspects of Australian society.

INTERVIEW—COVID-19 and Belt and Road: Some of the issues impacting business and human rights

  • Dr Surya Deva,

Business and Human Rights is always a controversial area, but COVID-19 and China’s Belt and Road Initiative are among the most acute challenges.