Transnational civil society in Asia | Melbourne Asia Review

Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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This webinar formally launches ‘Transnational Civil Society in Asia: The Potential of Grassroots Regionalization’ (Avenell & Ogawa, eds.) which will be published July 2021, by Routledge.

This book addresses an understudied topic in the current civil society scholarship – how transnational interactions among civil society actors in Asia are helping to strengthen common democratic values.

The webinar discusses three cases from the book, along with a brief conceptual introduction.


  • Professor Akihiro Ogawa: Professor of Japanese Studies, Asia Institute, University of Melbourne.
  • Akina Mikami: PhD Candidate, Asia Institute, University of Melbourne.
  • Dr Salim Kassim-Lakha: Honorary Senior Fellow, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne.
  • Dr Pradeep Taneja: Senior Lecturer in Asian Studies, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne.


  • Melissa Conley Tyler: Research Associate, Asia Institute, University of Melbourne.

Main image credit: Artem Beliaikin/Flickr.


Asia civil society Japan Pakistan