
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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COVID-19 has intensified existing intergenerational and gender tensions in China’s cities

  • Bin Wang & Ilan Wiesel,

Interviews illustrate how the pandemic and public health restrictions brought existing tensions to a boiling point.

COVID-19 underlines the importance of learning languages via emerging technologies

  • Dr Grace Yue Qi,

Language educators need to seriously take new technologies into account.

The necessity of teaching online during the COVID-19 pandemic could result in better Japanese language teaching

  • Dr Yasuhisa Watanabe,

The online environment can’t replicate all aspects of classroom language instruction, but online education does have benefits.

The COVID-19 pandemic and possibilities for Arab ‘risk society’

  • Professor Larbi Sadiki & Associate Professor Layla Saleh,

COVID-19 may afflict without discrimination, but not all polities, economies and societies can equally withstand its damage and rebuild in its aftermath.

How Kong’s civil society networks have contributed to the containment of COVID-19

  • Sophie Chen & Associate Professor Chris Chan ,

The networks and solidarity formed by the democracy movement laid the groundwork for a prompt civil society response to COVID-19.