
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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#MaskUp in Australia: How social norms in a pandemic are formed

  • Dr Jun Ohashi,

A discussion forum in Reddit appears to reflect the sentiment of people in Melbourne in relation to mask-wearing as a public health measure.

State-society relations in a pandemic: an Asian Australian perspective

  • Haina Lee & Dr Jay Song ,

Some of the communitarian values and compromise on individuals rights for the sake of public health may have become common Australian values during the COVID-19 pandemic

INTERVIEW—COVID-19 and Belt and Road: Some of the issues impacting business and human rights

  • Dr Surya Deva,

Business and Human Rights is always a controversial area, but COVID-19 and China’s Belt and Road Initiative are among the most acute challenges.

INTERVIEW: Know thy neighbours—Asian Australian Studies helps you know thyself

  • Dr Tseen Khoo & Dr Mridula Nath Chakraborty,

COVID-19 is having a significant impact on Australia’s complex social and cultural relationship with Asia and its own Asian Australian communities.

Japan’s most consequential, lucky, and divisive post-WW2 leader

  • Senior Associate Professor Stephen Nagy,

The legacy of Shinzo Abe is far ranging and includes transformative foreign and domestic policy.