
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Rethinking human trafficking in Southeast Asia to better reflect survivors’ agency

  • Dr Guangyu Qiao-Franco,

It is crucial to consider the diverse experiences and circumstances of trafficked people without labelling them as only victims.

The new Chinese diaspora in a globalising Singapore

  • Professor Hong Liu,

Singapore aims to capitalise on the transnational economic networks of its new Chinese diaspora

International law and the making of migration and development in India

  • Dr Robi Rado,

India’s labour migration agreements help normalise, and encourage, temporary migration.

Failing to Engage: The Politics of Diaspora Policy in Australia

  • Professor Andrew Rosser,

A diaspora policy could help Australian businesses compete in Asia and help Australia recover from the pandemic.

INTRODUCTION: Transnationalism, diaspora and the migration-development nexus in Asia and Australia

  • Professor Andrew Rosser and Associate Professor Yan Tan,

The impacts of transnational linkages and diaspora are huge and include trade and investment, livelihoods for poor people, and migrant workers’ rights.