WEBINAR: Gender, the Environment & Migration: 'safety' & 'belonging' in & around Asia | Melbourne Asia Review

Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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How can we think of ‘safety’ and ‘belonging’ in the context of global im/mobilities brought on by a pandemic? Like belonging, safety is a subjective and emotional relationship with people, space, objects, the environment more generally. As Sinophobic discourses and anti-Asian racism spiralled in new and very visible ways during the global pandemic, how does this impact on mobility, belonging and safety to and the intersections of gender, sexuality or sexual orientation in and around Asia?

With experts Dr Wilfred Wang, University of Melbourne, Dr Quah Ee Ling Western Sydney University and Hao Zheng, Deakin University.

Image: A busy street in Shibuya, Tokyo. Credit: Tony Wu/Canva.


Asia belonging COVID-19 environment gender migration racism safety Sinophobia