
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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WEBINAR: Gender, the Environment & Migration: ‘safety’ & ‘belonging’ in & around Asia

Guests discuss ‘safety’ and ‘belonging’ in the context of global im/mobilities brought on by the pandemic.

Understanding the racialised and gendered experiences of Asian women working in aged care in Australia

  • Dr Monika Winarnita and Dr Carmela Leone,

Asian women working in aged care in Australia face endemic racism and sexism.

‘International Student Mobilities and Voices in the Asia-Pacific: Letters to Coronavirus’, edited by Yi’En Cheng

  • Ratna Erika M. Suwarno,

‘Letters to Coronavirus’ highlights the insightful personal reflections of international students on their anxiety, immobility and futures.

Precarious frontier and the handling of COVID-19 in Indigenous communities in Borneo

  • Dr Imam Ardhianto and Indrawan Prasetyo,

New research on the public health response to COVID-19 in Indonesian Borneo.

The struggle for universal healthcare in Asia

  • Azad Singh Bali,

There is a tendency to assume a lack of money is the main barrier to achieving universal healthcare. But there are a range of other issues.