
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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China and Australia: Economic decoupling?

  • Assistant Professor Dan (Diane) Hu,

Trade has caught most headlines, but it is the volume of capital flow between the two countries that speaks to declining levels of trust and good will.

China really is impacting Australian elections (and has been for some time)

  • Emerita Professor Carol Johnson,

Australian federal elections are being increasingly impacted by our relationship with China. But not in the way depicted by the current federal government.

Fear, honour and interests: Cooperation, competition and contestation and Australia’s engagement in the Indo-Pacific

  • Professor John Blaxland,

The combination of great power contestation, coupled with governance and environmental challenges points to the need for visionary management by Australia.


  • 作者:胡丹 (Dr Dan (Diane) Hu),

2021年度关于“中国人如 …

WEBINAR: Asian states and their diasporas

China India and Indonesia are increasingly seeing the huge potential of their diasporas for economic development.