
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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The human cost of South Korea’s era of transnational adoption

Since the 1950s but peaking in the 1980s, an estimated 200,000 South Korean babies and children have been adopted into mainly white families in western nations, leaving a trail of fractured identities.

Contrasting memories of Japanese colonisation in Korea and Taiwan

Taiwan and Korea were colonised by Imperial Japan for much of the first half of the 20th century. While North and South Korea still have a deep resentment towards Japan, Taiwan does not. Why the difference?

Mindful of power: Politics and nationalism in Buddhist-majority societies

While non-violence may be central to Buddhism, there are growing accounts of human rights abuses in nations such as Myanmar and Sri Lanka, often carried out in the name of Buddhism.

How China finds a home for 1.4 billion people

Over the last 40+ years hundreds of millions of people have left the countryside to seek opportunities in China’s cities. Housing this immense influx continues to be a challenge.

Getting China-Australia relations out of a rut

The recent change of government in Australia and a less strident tone from China could be a promising turn for fractured bilateral ties. But Australia remains caught in the great power rivalry between the US and China.